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Writer's pictureFrank Garay

Possible VA Appraisal Changes

Did you know that you cannot order a VA appraisal until you either have or have applied for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)? While this isn’t a new requirement, it’s an important step that often gets overlooked in the rush to move a transaction forward. The good news is that, for now, the VA allows lenders to order the appraisal as long as there’s at least an application for the COE in the system.

However, this could change soon, and the VA may start requiring the COE to be fully in hand before the appraisal can be ordered.

As a real estate agent working with VA buyers, this is a critical tip to keep in mind. In fact, if you’re currently working with a VA buyer, make sure their lender has either obtained the COE or at least started the application process. It's not just a formality; having a COE in place early on will help prevent delays later in the process.

Here’s why it matters: the COE is the document that verifies a veteran’s eligibility for a VA loan. Without it, the loan can’t move forward, and that could jeopardize your deal. The last thing you want is to get to the point where everything else is in place—except for the appraisal—and be unable to move forward simply because a COE hasn’t been obtained.

Best Practices for VA Loans Even without Possible VA Appraisal Changes

As a best practice, it’s ideal to get the COE as early in the process as possible. In a perfect world, the COE would be secured before pre-approval, ensuring a smooth path forward once your VA buyer finds their home. Unfortunately, we all know that real estate doesn’t always work out that way. If you’re picking up a loan that another lender couldn’t close or you’re dealing with a buyer in a time crunch, securing the COE can sometimes feel like an afterthought.

That’s where a knowledgeable team makes all the difference. My team specializes in VA loans, and we’ve encountered just about every scenario you can think of. We know how to navigate the process swiftly, making sure the COE is ordered or obtained quickly so that your buyer’s timeline isn’t impacted.

VA Turn-Downs Don’t Always Mean the End

If you’ve recently had a VA buyer turned down by another lender, don’t give up hope just yet. Often, lenders who aren’t well-versed in VA guidelines may turn down loans that could actually be approved with the right expertise. My company is proud to be a "Top 100 VA Lender," and we’ve helped countless veterans achieve their homeownership dreams—even when other lenders couldn’t.

So, if you’re currently working with VA buyers, now is the time to ensure their COE is either in place or at least ordered. If you have any recent VA turn-downs, don’t hesitate to reach out. We specialize in flipping turn-downs into approvals and would be happy to assist.

Give me a call at 707-695-6313, or simply click on my calendar image to schedule a time to chat. We’re VA home loan experts, and we’re here to make sure your VA buyers get across the finish line—quickly and smoothly.

Frank Garay Calendar

Stay ahead of potential appraisal changes and set your VA buyers up for success!

Frank Garay Signature



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